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简介·)」和「(·´ェ`·)」。 包括「草泥马」在内的、名字出自谐音的动物,被中国大陆网民列入恶搞的「百度十大神兽」之內。2016年《新华社新闻信息报道中的禁用词和慎用词》中,将「草泥马」和近似的「马勒戈壁」(粗口“妈了个逼”的谐音)等词列入38个不文明用语。 2009年中华人民共和国多部门发起整治互联网低。

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23. Either you or I ___ meet him at the airport. A. are to B. is to C. am to D. were to 24. Each has an apple, ___? A. has he B. doesn’t he C. doe

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Night outside the window sound, candle shadow light dream soul, know I understand I am only one person. Since the day I lost you, I've tried my bes


¤ currency sign; replaced by currency symbol; if doubled, replaced by international currency symbol; if present in a pattern, the monetary decimal separator

Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人 We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, w here people first learned to write. Bu

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are to couple the three streams together so as to seize an opportunity to push their wanted policy out, that policy might successfully climb to the governmental o

the world doesn’t stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.不管

篇1:A Dream英语作文 A Dream英语作文 a dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. with a dream in the deep hearts core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wago
